Wil je meedoen met GroenLinks Middelburg? Dat kan. Sluit je nu aan bij onze beweging. Verandering komt van ons. Van al de kleinere en grotere dingen die we...
De gemeente Middelburg wil een bedrijventerrein aanleggen op de Trekdijk. Dat zou Nieuw- en Sint-Joosland van Middelburg scheiden. In 2014 gingen wij langs...
Change starts in Middelburg: that’s why you should vote Groenlinks on 21 March. GroenLinks is working on an engaged society in which everyone benefits. Too many people are not receiving the appreciation they deserve. For this reason, we are tackling the uncertainty that people live in. It’s possible to have a nice residence, affordable health care, proper income, and a clean living environment for everyone. It’s time for change. GroenLinks stands for equally sharing, affordable health care for all ages. Being ill is bad enough in itself; it should not be the cause for financial trouble. Health care is not about profit but about taking care of people. The choices we make now affect the future of our children. GroenLinks chooses to combat climate change. We commit to a clean and green municipality, ensuring fresh air in our streets and stimulating the use of green energy. We should take care of our open space in and around the city and the villages. As such, we do not want construction work without coordination with the municipalities surrounding us. By people of the municipality of Middelburg, for people of the municipality of Middelburg GroenLinks is proponent of a democracy in which people can pitch in as much as possible about the path we should be taking. Things can and should change in the municipality of Middelburg GroenLinks stands for change. We stand for a new way of doing politics. One in which our common interest in the long term, not profit in the short term, is key. We stand for sharing rather than saving. We stand for connection, trust, and hope, instead of dissent. The social municipality GroenLinks wants everyone in our municipality to have the chance to make a proper living. Everyone should be able to participate, whether that be via a paid job, volunteering work, or school. If people cannot find a job themselves, we want the municipality help out. If you lose your job or fall ill, there should be a safety net. GroenLinks believes that every child deserves a good start and a fair chance: to learn at school, but also to discover what their dreams are. Health care should not be about rules, but about people. There should be room to evaluate what people can do and what they want. Moreover, we want everyone to be able to live in an affordable and energy-saving residence. The green municipality GroenLinks want our children to grow up in green and healthy neighbourhoods. We want children to play in a green environment, breathing in fresh air. That’s why we choose for green public transport and for spacious parks in which to play and to exercise. If we choose for clean, green, and healthy solutions, we will provide our children with a healthy planet and a balanced climate. The open municipality GroenLinks has faith in people. We believe that everyone wants to do something with their lives and wants to contribute to their own environment. That’s why we offer opportunities for people who want to make their environment greener or cleaner. That’s why we trust teachers, nurses, and other professionals who want to help people. And that’s why we make room for people’s own wishes, instead of following organisational rules and structures blindly.
Wij geven extra ruimte aan kunst en creativiteit. Kunst verrijkt ons leven.
Wij geven ruimte aan eigen initiatieven van burgers die de stad socialer, groener, mooier en schoner kunnen maken.
Wij geven voorrang aan schoon vervoer: de fiets, de voetganger en elektrisch (openbaar) vervoer.
Wij staan voor een klimaatneutrale gemeente, door gebruik van zon en wind, we stimuleren energieneutraal bouwen en het oprichten van lokale energiecoöperaties.
Wij planten extra bomen en kiezen voor extra groen, iedere bewoner moet kunnen genieten van een park of de open groene ruimte. Groen is niet alleen mooi maar zorgt ook voor extra schone lucht.
Wij zorgen voor voldoende sociale huurwoningen en huur- en koopwoningen voor starters en mensen met een middeninkomen. We bouwen niet in kwetsbare landschappen als de Cleene Hooge en evenmin bij de Trekdijk.
Wij willen dat ouderen en mensen met een beperking zolang mogelijk thuis kunnen wonen. Wij kiezen voor “zorg op maat”.